Fall shows are starting and the health of our animals is first and foremost! Here is a reminder on why BVDV is so important for these animals.
One of the wonderful reasons that people own alpacas is to work with the alpaca’s fleece. So you have the fleece shorn off the alpaca — now what?
Many members have been discussing the ELD mandate on social media and contacting our office for updates. We are working with FMCSA and DOT to get more solid information and will be sharing with our members in the coming days. Meanwhile, some members have been sharing their experiences of working through the process and we will be sharing their experiences. Today's guest blog comes from Jennifer Hack with Triple H Ranch in Colorado.
Stay tuned for more updates and member experiences.
Reminder: This is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal advice. You should consult your attorney for advice specific to your circumstances.
Just a couple of weeks ago, we concluded the first ever AOA National Fleece Conference. It was a truly amazing event with spectacular speakers. However, I wanted to discuss just one part of the conference; the National Fleece Show. The fleece show contained nearly 550 entries, which was truly awesome! The room was packed full and the three judges (Diana Timmerman, Sharon Loner, and Wini Labrecque) had their work cut out for them.
The task of preparing for a training clinic requires a great deal of time and effort but the result is such a satisfying accomplishment. It is a relief to begin the first day of the clinic because that means the first phase of prep work is finished and we are in the on-site clinic phase. While they are required, the judges also find these clinics very valuable and some even come more often than required. A few years ago there were judges flying in from all over the world to attend a halter clinic in Ohio. It was winter and the snow piles were taller than me! I was sure we would not get everyone to the venue (I absolutely remember pacing the day prior to the clinic). What a wonderful relief it was on the first day when everyone arrived! All twenty-seven flights landed on time! Whew! The rest was downhill!